• Biblical Families is not a dating website. It is a forum to discuss issues relating to marriage and the Bible, and to offer guidance and support, not to find a wife. Click here for more information.



New Member
I joined the form a wile back ago, but decided to read up before I wrote an introduction. I am a pastor/teacher/rabbi of a Messianic congregation in the sate of Idaho. I have been married to my lovely wife for over 12 years. We have 5 children ,and are waiting to have lots more. We came out of the paganism of the church about 8 years ago, and have embraced the laws of YHVH. We have a small farm in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, where we raise sheep, goats, chickens, a large garden and a lot of tanned children. We are actively looking for a sister wife at this time. The decision to add a wife is not one I have taken lightly. The first commandment in the scriptures Be fruitful and multiply has been left behind by most of the churches in America. We look for the blessing of a large family and putting our self’s back in line with the Creators will. As a family we have done our best to remove our selves from the Babylonian system, both in our worship to the Creator and our daily life.

Your Brother in Messiah
Welcome to the forum, Rabbi,
We hope you will be comfortable here. You will see that we come from many different walks. Here is hoping we learn as much from you as you will learn from us.

Sweet Lissa
I am glad to meet my wife and I wish to do the same thing in montana. It is good to know that it can be done.
From myself and Chaplains Rose,
We would like to Welcome you to the board. Happy reading and please jump into the discussions.
Rabbi said:
I joined the form a wile back ago, but decided to read up before I wrote an introduction. I am a pastor/teacher/rabbi of a Messianic congregation in the sate of Idaho. I have been married to my lovely wife for over 12 years. We have 5 children ,and are waiting to have lots more. We came out of the paganism of the church about 8 years ago, and have embraced the laws of YHVH. We have a small farm in the foothills of the Rocky Mountains, where we raise sheep, goats, chickens, a large garden and a lot of tanned children. We are actively looking for a sister wife at this time. The decision to add a wife is not one I have taken lightly. The first commandment in the scriptures Be fruitful and multiply has been left behind by most of the churches in America. We look for the blessing of a large family and putting our self’s back in line with the Creators will. As a family we have done our best to remove our selves from the Babylonian system, both in our worship to the Creator and our daily life.

Your Brother in Messiah

Hello and welcome. I agree that the Scriptural admonition to be fruitful and multiply has been discarded by the church. I hope you feel comfortable enough to share on this forum.
Hello Rabbi,

Sounds to me like you live in paradise! I particularly like that part about the tanned children! :) Sounds really idyllic. i grew up on a farm myself but now live in the city and my children are somewhat pale. :(

Hope to hear more from you. What you are writing speaks from my heart.

God bless you and yours.
Hello Rabbi
I'm the long beard man on the forum, LOL.
OK, so it reaches over my eyebrows if I turn it up, it's not that long...
Shalom Aleichem,
Has your wife visited this site yet? I am a second wife to "Pastor". How big is your congregation? I used to attend a congregation in NY before I moved to Maine. My desire is to follow the precepts of Torah with a rejoicing heart. I look forward to knowing your growing Family better. :D
Shalom Rabbi,
It's great to have you on the site. It's too bad that you're clear across the country. I'm over here in the mountains of north carolina. I'm in a country setting as well. Grew up on a farm in the dirt so I know how good you've got it.