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Meat Authority vs. Power

More details. What happened? Do tell.

I'll try to keep this short. We left California after Steve was basically forced out by an environmental rule (see footnote 1). After we moved to Wyoming the Bakken Oil Shale boom took place and Steve was in the right place at the right time and made a ton of money.

California wanted some of that money and they sent these two armed tax collectors to Wyoming to try to intimidate us into paying them.

Steve & Shari were not at home but me and Christie and the kids were. Christie met them at the door and they were demanding to enter and search the house and they did not have a warrant. She would not let them in and I called our local sheriff's department. In the 40 minutes we waited for our sheriff's department to show up I went to an upstairs room and had my AR-10 (.308, chambered, safety off, finger on trigger) aimed at the one tax jerk who kept reaching for his pistol because he was frustrated that Christie would not let them in.

Had the pistol cleared the holster it would have ended badly for him and the other one too. Period. Fortunately that did not happen.

A deputy showed up first and then a little while later the sheriff himself showed up. The two tax collectors had their guns and badges seized and the sheriff told them if they came back and we killed them that he would not care. They never came back.

Their badges and guns meant something in California. In Wyoming it meant they were armed trespassers. Being an armed trespasser in Wyoming is not a sensible survival strategy.

1: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/fact-sheets/ab-32-global-warming-solutions-act-2006
Favorite story of the year!
I'll try to keep this short. We left California after Steve was basically forced out by an environmental rule (see footnote 1). After we moved to Wyoming the Bakken Oil Shale boom took place and Steve was in the right place at the right time and made a ton of money.

California wanted some of that money and they sent these two armed tax collectors to Wyoming to try to intimidate us into paying them.

Steve & Shari were not at home but me and Christie and the kids were. Christie met them at the door and they were demanding to enter and search the house and they did not have a warrant. She would not let them in and I called our local sheriff's department. In the 40 minutes we waited for our sheriff's department to show up I went to an upstairs room and had my AR-10 (.308, chambered, safety off, finger on trigger) aimed at the one tax jerk who kept reaching for his pistol because he was frustrated that Christie would not let them in.

Had the pistol cleared the holster it would have ended badly for him and the other one too. Period. Fortunately that did not happen.

A deputy showed up first and then a little while later the sheriff himself showed up. The two tax collectors had their guns and badges seized and the sheriff told them if they came back and we killed them that he would not care. They never came back.

Their badges and guns meant something in California. In Wyoming it meant they were armed trespassers. Being an armed trespasser in Wyoming is not a sensible survival strategy.

1: https://ww2.arb.ca.gov/resources/fact-sheets/ab-32-global-warming-solutions-act-2006
My favourite story is when ATF agent showed up on front doors. He/she called local police claiming some faker is on door trying to steal gun.

There is video of deputies arresting and tasering ATF guy. Doubt he has come back.
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