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More response videos...


Staff member
Real Person
I'm going to add several response videos here. I'll put future response videos in this thread.

Bless God Studios...

Dennis Prager response...

Apologia Center Response

Dr. Peter Gentry Response
I'm going to add several response videos here. I'll put future response videos in this thread.

Bless God Studios...
Interesting point on who the bride is.
Thanks for these videos Pete. I really appreciate the time and effort you put in to them as there're a great resource presenting the biblical answers to correct the popular errors.
Thank you. 😊
Excellent series of videos! Keep em coming!
Excellent series of videos! Keep em coming!
Thank you, I just don't want to bore viewers w the same stuff over and over, but the comments sections and viewers are slowly growing... must be a demand...
I am VERY encouraged. The most recent video responding to Bless God/Ruslan has only been up 17 hours and already has 39 comments, many very good! Praying this leads to good solid interaction with lots of people!

Responding to Dr. John Piper. Long video, but this cat gets me fired up!!
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I've put up other videos... subscribe to my channel for immediate updates, but here are two I put up today. The second is VERY important. I was HOT!!!

Ohh man I've been waiting for this one!
Not a response to a particular false teacher, rather a carpet bombing if the religious system...

Love your Videos!