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Revitalizing the demoralized


Seasoned Member
Our societies in the Christian West have become terribly demoralized.

Our people have lost their faith in Christ, the Bible, and the God who gives our lives order and meaning. Nihilism and despair spring forth quickly from the soil of apostasy. These in turn lead to apathy, self indulgence, and finally individual and cultural suicide.

Our firm cultural Foundation of Jesus Christ has been replaced with the lies of pseudoscientific fools including Marx, Darwin, and Freud, men who utterly rejected the Son of God.

Our schools and other public institutions have been hijacked by wicked radical extremists, who blindly pursue cultural ruin. Our governments have become tyrannical.

Our forefathers were certainly imperfect, but they were also great heroes, who built the greatest societies the world has ever known. We have been intentionally lied to. We have been told that they were evil, and that we should be ashamed of them.

I'm done with that.

I won't be ashamed to be a Christian. I won't be ashamed to believe the Bible, and to hold to Christ as King. I won't be ashamed of being a man. I won't be ashamed to be an American, or a man of the West. I won't be ashamed of the white skin God gave me. I won't be ashamed that God made male, made me to be attracted to women, and gave me testicles. I won't be ashamed to be physically strong. I won't be ashamed to be intelligent, or hard working.

No believer in, and follower of Jesus Christ should ever walk in shame. We are a holy people, priests to God. Let us work hard as we serve Christ in the building of His great Kingdom.

I will instead honor our forefathers. My ancestors, the pioneers of America were hardworking men of courage and integrity. Men like that built this country. They made it strong, prosperous, and free. They were men of sincere Christian conviction. We can acknowledge their failings without despising them.

Those who preceded them were the men who built Europe. They fought the savage pagan vikings, the godless Turks and Saracens. They built farms, towns, cathedrals, cities, and factories. They married wives, led families, and raised up godly children.

They built Christendom, and I refuse to flush it down the toilet of godless despair.

The Islamic califate was profoundly wicked. The Crusaders were generally good, and their wars were largely just. I honor these men. (Thanks Raymond Ibrahim 👍)

The liberating Reconquista of Spain and Portugal was noble and just.

The Aztec empire was evil, and the Spanish Conquistadors were heroes for putting their reign of terror and demonically inspired human sacrifice to an end, and introducing Christianity to the peoples of the Americas (though the Roman Catholic church has serious problems and needs purification).

Far from despising the cultural influence of Christianity in the USA, Europe, Latin America, Africa, etc, I will thank God for the degree of Biblical faith we have, and seek to help expand, and purify it to be more holy, Christ honoring, and Biblical.

Our demoralized societies in the West
have recently imported many millions of culturally incompatible foreigners (primarily Muslims). This was unbelievably foolish.
The depraved fools leading our national governments are in a mad rush to destroy any remaining from influence of our Christian fathers. They seek to do this by any means possible, including cultural indoctrination, religious persecution of the faithful, and population replacement.

This must stop. Many of these people (particularly the violent criminals and Islamic fundamentalists) need to be sent back. Those that remain need to hear the bold and honest proclamation of the Lord Jesus Christ. Hopefully many will be converted to Christ and become culture builders rather than culture destroyers.

Our people have become so demoralized that many people can't even understand the fundamental biological reality of sex. Men think they are women, and women think they are men.

Others are so demoralized that they practice homosexual relations.

Those who are slightly less broken are still badly demoralized. They piss their lives away in fantasy worlds, endlessly playing video games, masturbating to porn, eating crap food, watching movies and sportsball.

Those slightly less demoralized actually have the drive to fornicate, but fear marriage and fatherhood. Their lives are also largely fruitless. If they have children, they often fail to properly raise them.

Our current cultural state is appalling.

I work with relatively normal, and even culturally conservative people, but most of the younger ones are afraid to have children. They aren't marrying and aren't having kids.

They work to make enough money to live, pay a bunch of taxes so that the State can afford to teach sodomy, import their replacements, and teach the children of their replacements to hate both the native people and their own parents.

Even "Evangelical Christians" have become terribly demoralized. I have some young relatives in their 20s, a married couple who are deliberately choosing to not have children. The husband even went so far as to have a vasectomy at age 25 or 26, before they had a single child!

You ask why? It is demoralization of some sort. They both have to work full time to support their standard American lifestyle. Having children would be a financial hardship and an inconvenience. They couldn't eat out as much, play video games as often, or travel as they wish.

I've spent much of my life being demoralized. I despaired of life, and use to spend many hours in the fantasy world of viewing porn. I have frequently been apathetic and haven't sought excellence in my career. I was demoralized.
Most churches and pastors are demoralized. The God of the Bible is culturally offensive, and they are embarrassed by Him. They try to promote Christ in a winsome way, but are cowardly deep down in their hearts. They profess Christ, but generally fear man more.
I don't want to live like that anymore.
I don't want to be part of a culture, church, or family that is demoralized.
Jesus Christ is the Son of God. He was crucified in my place. He has risen from the dead. He has ascended to Heaven. He will return some day, to judge the world, and rescue His people.
I really do believe that. I am therefore seeking to destroy any and all demoralization in my heart, and in my schere of influence. We have work to do.
Do you all have any thoughts or observations on this demoralization process? Do you have ideas for combatting it?
Do you all have any thoughts or observations on this demoralization process? Do you have ideas for combatting it?

You combat it starting in your family. Go to worship. Say 'grace' at dinner time. Try not to cuss and swear around the kids. Rebuke them when they cuss or swear around you. Have a cross in a prominent place in your home. Have a few others as well. Keep a Bible handy.

Don't put an ichthys on your car/truck to tell people you're a Christian. Just drive like a Christian and they'll figure it out.

Be nice to the people who serve you wherever that may be. Be polite when you have a complaint.

Get rid of corruptive social influences in your life and in your home. Cable TV, smart phones, etc. Whatever causes disruption and decay in your family it has to go.

Get involved in politics. Put your faith right out front when you do.

Be polite to the leftists when they come at you and hate you. Also be ye ready to put out their lights if you need to.

And then, of course, help them up and pray for their healing. :cool:

In short, borrow the leftists very successful philosophy: Think Globally, Act Locally.

Denouncing immorality is an empty gesture coming from us if we too are immoral.
This passage gives me a lot of hope. In a way we are exiles. I grew up singing the song This World is not my Home without making the connection that that makes us exiles. In the West right now, just having faithful children will result in a better future because the worldly people that are against us are not having children. If we stop giving them ours in public schools, then they have no legacy. God has won, we just need to follow him home (out of exile) with as many souls as possible.

Jeremiah 29:4-7 NASB95 — “Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon, ‘Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce. ‘Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there and do not decrease. ‘Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.’
In the West right now, just having faithful children will result in a better future because the worldly people that are against us are not having children. If we stop giving them ours in public schools, then they have no legacy.
I really loved that line. I've known far too many Christians that "gave them" their kids, chiefly via public schools, but also by failing to properly instruct them in righteousness, and also via the entertainment complex TV/movies/music/etc.
Isaiah 66:4 KJV
I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.

It’s a narrow road. If confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord brings salvation - then the road to the Kingdom would be very wide. Obviously not everyone confessing is willing to carry their execution stake and follow him. He says it himself - if you love me keep my commandments. Why do you call me Adonai and not do what I say? Hebrews 11 - the hall of fame - they kept his commandments as an example of their faith.

2 Timothy 2:12-13 NLT
Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.

The 1st most important commandment is to love the Most High with all your heart soul and strength. Here’s a small example why modern Christianity is cursed - as it’s written in Isaiah - woe to the one that calls evil good - and good evil.

The Most High says those that have sex with a woman during her period shall be cut off. The Creator says at the end of Leviticus 20 - those that do such things are detestable to him. This sin is mentioned again in Ezekiel 22.

Christian shepherds have a real talent for convincing their flock it’s okay to do the things that are dis pleasing to the Creator - but then they will fight tooth and nail to demonize the things the Creator says is righteous. Saying that it’s okay to have sex during a woman’s menstruation period is just one example - out of many examples. If the blind lead the blind - they both fall into the pit.

The entire system is Babylon. This includes all religion. Coming out of the cities and embracing polygyny is a solution - a man with 2-5 wives doesn’t have to worry about public education teaching his kids abominations - because they can be self taught at home - additional wives means possibility of additional income (nursing job etc), and since everyone is under the same roof - huge cost savings. Home cooked organic food - from the additional income. This whole system is not sustainable. How many more years of hyper inflation can the people handle? There was a time when just one parent could work and provide for the family. Now both parents work to barely get by. Women were given a well crafted lie on independency - submit to your corporate boss at work, and climb that corporate ladder - instead of submitting to your own husbands, and being his helper.

Judgment will come - and it’s promised in Scripture.
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Isaiah 66:4 KJV
I also will choose their delusions, and will bring their fears upon them; because when I called, none did answer; when I spake, they did not hear: but they did evil before mine eyes, and chose that in which I delighted not.

It’s a narrow road. If confessing with your mouth that Jesus is Lord brings salvation - then the road to the Kingdom would be very wide. Obviously not everyone confessing is willing to carry their execution stake and follow him. He says it himself - if you love me keep my commandments. Why do you call me Adonai and not do what I say? Hebrews 11 - the hall of fame - they kept his commandments as an example of their faith.

2 Timothy 2:12-13 NLT
Yes, and everyone who wants to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. 13 But evil people and impostors will flourish. They will deceive others and will themselves be deceived.

The 1st most important commandment is to love the Most High with all your heart soul and strength. Here’s a small example why modern Christianity is cursed - as it’s written in Isaiah - woe to the one that calls evil good - and good evil.

The Most High says those that have sex with a woman during her period shall be cut off. The Creator says at the end of Leviticus 20 - those that do such things are detestable to him. This sin is mentioned again in Ezekiel 22.

Christian shepherds have a real talent for convincing their flock it’s okay to do the things that are dis pleasing to the Creator - but then they will fight tooth and nail to demonize the things the Creator says is righteous. Saying that it’s okay to have sex during a woman’s menstruation period is just one example - out of many examples. If the blind lead the blind - they both fall into the pit.

The entire system is Babylon. This includes all religion. Coming out of the cities and embracing polygyny is a solution - a man with 2-5 wives doesn’t have to worry about public education teaching his kids abominations - because they can be self taught at home - additional wives means possibility of additional income (nursing job etc), and since everyone is under the same roof - huge cost savings. Home cooked organic food - from the additional income. This whole system is not sustainable. How many more years of hyper inflation can the people handle? There was a time when just one parent could work and provide for the family. Now both parents work to barely get by. Women were given a well crafted lie on independency - submit to your corporate boss at work, and climb that corporate ladder - instead of submitting to your own husbands, and being his helper.

Judgment will come - and it’s promised in Scripture.
Thanks for going off on your usual "Complete Torah observance is totally essential for salvation" rant. It was as about as enlightening as usual. 🥱🥱🥱

I note that you conveniently only referenced the first half on Romans 10:9 for your straw man argument.

"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"

"Confessing" alone doesn't lead to salvation in this verse. It is combined with "Believe".

The man who believes that God truly raised Christ from the dead, will follow Christ. The man who confesses that "Jesus is Lord" but doesn't really believe won't follow Christ, and won't be saved.

Romans 10:9 does not add:
"and who always avoided sexual relations with his menstrating wife,
and never boiled a young goat in it's mother's milk,
and always obeyed every other law" to confess and believe.

I had to laugh at your idea of coming out of Babylon by sending your potential wives to work for the "Babylonian" medical establishment as nurses, so you could use their extra income to buy organic food. If a man lived in the country and had multiple wives, why couldn't the family just grow most of their own food?
Thanks for going off on your usual "Complete Torah observance is totally essential for salvation" rant. It was as about as enlightening as usual. 🥱🥱🥱

I note that you conveniently only referenced the first half on Romans 10:9 for your straw man argument.

"That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved"

"Confessing" alone doesn't lead to salvation in this verse. It is combined with "Believe".

The man who believes that God truly raised Christ from the dead, will follow Christ. The man who confesses that "Jesus is Lord" but doesn't really believe won't follow Christ, and won't be saved.

Romans 10:9 does not add:
"and who always avoided sexual relations with his menstrating wife,
and never boiled a young goat in it's mother's milk,
and always obeyed every other law" to confess and believe.
There’s curses for dis obedience. There’s blessings for obedience. Actually - walking in dis obedience is a sign of a lack of faith and following a different master. The Apostle that the Messiah loved said - sin is transgression of law - and those that continue to sin don’t know him, or understand who he is. So beloved - true faith and obedience goes hand to hand. I don’t think he expects you to be perfect - but he does expect you to go through sanctification by the washing of his Word. As Paul said - milk before meat. Romans 3:31 - God forbid! That the law is done away with. We uphold the law through faith. Elsewhere in Romans - slaves to righteousness - which is an “Old Testament” reference for having the Torah written in your heart. “False witnesses” claimed the Messiah changed the law - and their testimony lead to the stoning of Stephen - that’s in the book of Acts. In the book of acts - it also says - those gentiles turning to the one true Creator - shouldn’t be given greater burdens then “blood, sexual immorality, food sacrifices to idols, and meat of strangled animals.” These are simple requirements that would prevent them returning to their pagan temples of worships. Does that mean a Christian can commit robbery and murder? Obviously - these are “milk” based instructions for those “turning” to the Creator. Another place - Paul said - imitate me - like I Imitate Christ. The Messiah was a Torah observing Jew - just like Paul. No - he was not a Talmudic Jew like we see today. And he certainly wasn’t a Greek, Roman, or American - and has nothing to do with pagan practices like saturnalia and Ishtar day.

i had to laugh at your idea of coming out of Babylon by sending your potential wives to work for the "Babylonian" medical establishment as nurses, so you could use their extra income to buy organic food. If a man lived in the country and had multiple wives, why couldn't the family just grow most of their own food?

The system and what it teaches is Babylon. Not some of the actual jobs.
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This passage gives me a lot of hope. In a way we are exiles. I grew up singing the song This World is not my Home without making the connection that that makes us exiles. In the West right now, just having faithful children will result in a better future because the worldly people that are against us are not having children. If we stop giving them ours in public schools, then they have no legacy. God has won, we just need to follow him home (out of exile) with as many souls as possible.

Jeremiah 29:4-7 NASB95 — “Thus says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, to all the exiles whom I have sent into exile from Jerusalem to Babylon, ‘Build houses and live in them; and plant gardens and eat their produce. ‘Take wives and become the fathers of sons and daughters, and take wives for your sons and give your daughters to husbands, that they may bear sons and daughters; and multiply there and do not decrease. ‘Seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the LORD on its behalf; for in its welfare you will have welfare.’
I wonder if the view that we are exiles similar to the Israelites in Babylon might not be the most accurate for Christians in the current (post resurrection of Christ) era.

I wonder if the Israelites going in to conquer the Promised land of Canaan with Joshua leading them might fit better.

Perhaps Nehemiah and the others returning to the Promised Land, to rebuild the ruined city (while also fending off Sanbalat) might also fit better.

As believers, we belong to Jesus Christ, and He has overcome the world, the flesh, and the devil. He is the Savior of the world. This world we currently live in actually belongs to Jesus right now. The second Adam is reclaiming that which the first Adam lost.

Maybe we are at home, and we need to work on making this world more "homey".

"And Jesus came up and spoke to them, saying, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you; and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age.” (Matt. 26:18-20 NASB)
All authority in Heaven and on Earth now belongs to Jesus. He has the deed to this world in His hands.

"Blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth." (Matt. 5:5 ESV)

"For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but in order that the world might be saved through him." (John 3:17 ESV)

Maybe this place (Earth) is our home, because our Master bought it and holds the title. At the same time, maybe this "home" that Christ bought is like an apartment building filled with nasty squatters, crack heads, and hookers. The whole building and the grounds are filled up with trash and weeds. Besides that, there is a nasty gang terrorizing everyone. The copper piping was stolen, the furnace is broken, and the roof leaks.

The building was once awesome, and our Master has chosen to restore it. He will make it even better than it was at first.

Our Boss (Jesus) has sent his work crew (us Christians) to announce that (1) the building now has a new Owner. (2) He welcomes those who wish to stay, but won't put up with any nonsense, and we are all going to be doing things His way now. (3) He wants us to work on fixing everything up, and making this place nice. (4) He is offering jobs and apartments to the crack heads, squatters, gang members, and hookers, provided they turn away from their old lives.

Our Boss loves His investment, His workers, and His tenants. He will provide all the resources we need to make it work out. Our Boss is kind, gentle, and loving, but also tougher than nails, and fierce as a lion.

Some of the crack heads, squatters, hookers, and gang members don't believe in the new Owner. They refuse to work for Him and refuse to pay rent. They run around kicking holes in the walls and peeing in the carpet. The Boss will throw their sorry asses out on the day of His choosing.

The original work crew all use to be crack heads, hookers, squatters, and gang members. Some of the work crew forgot about the Boss and returned to their old way of life. They don't really think He owns this place.

Other "crew members" pretend to work for the Boss. They wear hard hats, safety vests, carry clip boards, and boss people around, but never do anything.

The Boss will also deal with them.

Nonetheless, we are His work crew. He has authorized us to be here, and has equipped us to do the work. Let's get to work, and let our Boss sort out the rest.
There’s curses for dis obedience. There’s blessings for obedience. Actually - walking in dis obedience is a sign of a lack of faith and following a different master. The Apostle that the Messiah loved said - sin is transgression of law - and those that continue to sin don’t know him, or understand who he is. So beloved - true faith and obedience goes hand to hand. I don’t think he expects you to be perfect immediately - but he does expect you to go through sanctification by the washing of his Word. As Paul said - milk before meat. Romans 3:31 - God forbid! That the law is done away with. We uphold the law through faith. Elsewhere in Romans - slaves to righteousness - which is an “Old Testament” reference for having the Torah written in your heart. “False witnesses” claimed the Messiah changed the the law - and their testimony lead to the stoning of Stephen - that’s in the book of Acts. In the book of acts - it also says - those gentiles turning to the one true Creator - shouldn’t be given greater burdens then “blood, sexual immorality, food sacrifices to idols, and meat of strangled animals.” These are simple requirements that would prevent them returning to their pagan temples of worships. Does that mean a Christian can commit adultery and murder? Obviously - these are “milk” based instructions for those “turning” back to the Creator. Another place - Paul said - imitate me - like I Imitate Christ. The Messiah was a Torah observing Jew - just like Paul. No - he was not a Talmudic Jew like we see today. And he certainly wasn’t a Greek, Roman, or American - and has nothing to do with pagan practices like saturnalia and Ishtar day.

i had to laugh at your idea of coming out of Babylon by sending your potential wives to work for the "Babylonian" medical establishment as nurses, so you could use their extra income to buy organic food. If a man lived in the country and had multiple wives, why couldn't the family just grow most of their own food?

The system and what it teaches is Babylon. Not some of the actual jobs.
Which dietary Laws shall the bond slaves of Christ obey?

At Creation, in the garden, Adam (individual man and mankind) was given only plants to eat. Are we required to be vegans?

After the Flood, Noah was permitted to eat EVERYTHING.

"Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you" (Genesis 9:3 NASB)

Catfish, shrimp, pigs, rabbits, squid, and lobster are all moving things that are alive. According to this Law, the clean and unclean animals (which already existed and were known) were all nonetheless on the menu.

At Sinai, God instructed Israel to eat certain clean animals, and prohibited them from eating the unclean ones.

In Acts, God instructs the apostle Peter (in a vision) to "kill and eat" a wide variety of unclean animals.

Those were all commands from God. They differ from each other.
Apparently different people are under different laws at different times.

We know that certain laws are universal. The sexual laws do not change. Theft is always wrong. Father and Mother must always be honored. Idolatry is always prohibited.

Others, like the dietary law, are not and cannot be, because God gave different ones to different people.
Which dietary Laws shall the bond slaves of Christ obey?
You've gotta ask the right question. They're not "laws" - they are INSTRUCTION. And they're about "blessing," as He says over and over and over, and the question is, do you want to live?

Do you want your immune system to function as He designed it?

Then, "why do you call Me, "Lord, Lord, and NOT do the things I say?"
We know that certain laws are universal. The sexual laws do not change. Theft is always wrong. Father and Mother must always be honored. Idolatry is always prohibited.
You seem to have left out some:

Eating blood is ALWAYS prohibited.

And honoring/respecting/separating/observing His Sabbaths and "Appointed Times" must always be honored. As He says, many, many times: "Forever," "throughout your generations," "in all your dwelling places."

PS> And "theft" is no longer prohibited for Big Brother, and the Romans 13 twisting in the Government Inspired Version.
I wonder if the view that we are exiles similar to the Israelites in Babylon might not be the most accurate for Christians in the current (post resurrection of Christ) era.

I wonder if the Israelites going in to conquer the Promised land of Canaan with Joshua leading them might fit better.
Ezekiel 34:11-13 NLT
For this is what the Sovereign Lord says: I myself will search and find my sheep. 12 I will be like a shepherd looking for his scattered flock. I will find my sheep and rescue them from all the places where they were scattered on that dark and cloudy day. 13 I will bring them back home to their own land of Israel from among the peoples and nations.

Verse 12 is ongoing. Verse 13 hasn’t been fulfilled. The Messiah even carry’s the same name as “Joshua.” Just like Joshua brought his people into the promise land - so will the Messiah in the future and greater exodus.

No - 1948 wasn’t the 2nd exodus - for many scriptural reasons. For one it didn’t include Ephraim - the Northern Kingdom that was kicked out for their pagan adultery - 800 years before the Messiah showed up. 1948 state of Israel is man’s attempt at fulfilling prophecy - just like how Sarah tried to force the prophecy to occur by giving Abraham her maid servant - then came - Ishmael. Or how the Israelites refused to die in the wilderness for their rebellion - so they marched into the land themselves without Yahuah’s blessing - and they were wiped clean. They also tried to force the prophecy occur - but Yahuah gave it to their children - whom entered into the land. The 2nd and greater exodus will be something special - and this time it’s out of all the nations of the earth.
@Earth_is- and @Mark C, this is not the place to argue that everyone needs to follow Torah to do Christianity correctly - that is a debate we are not having, remember? The original post of this thread is talking about the great achievements of our Western forefathers, and encouraging us to emulate their example and be real men, getting out into the world and taking it captive for Christ. That's a topic which deserves a lot more of our thought. Don't try and just get back on your hobbyhorse and have the exact same discussion in every single thread. Drop it.

@Bartato, I love your illustrations. This is a topic I have a passion for, but have little to say and am in a reading and absorbing data stage before I can clearly understand what God would have me do about it, hence I'm not responding with many words. But you really are hitting the nail on the head with where our focus actually needs to be at this point in history.
...this is not the place to argue that everyone needs to follow Torah to do Christianity correctly - that is a debate we are not having, remember?
That is NOT the 'debate' that I was having. But the answer IS, and MUST be, consistent with His Word.

To wit:

This is a topic I have a passion for, but have little to say and am in a reading and absorbing data stage before I can clearly understand what God would have me do about it...

So let's try that!

Our firm cultural Foundation of Jesus Christ has been replaced with the lies of pseudoscientific fools including Marx, Darwin, and Freud, men who utterly rejected the Son of God.
Arguably because the Whore Church got rid of Yahushu Himself, almost 17 centuries ago.

But evidently we're not allowed to even HINT that a big part of the problem may be that He is not welcome in the 'church' any more.

He HAS told us however, graphically and repeatedly, in Leviticus, and in Deuteronomy, and in the prophets, and in places like Matthew 24 that there are curses for deliberate rebellion to Him. (I quoted one of many, directly above.)

I've spent much of my life being demoralized....
...Most churches and pastors are demoralized. The God of the Bible is culturally offensive, and they are embarrassed by Him. They try to promote Christ in a winsome way, but are cowardly deep down in their hearts. They profess Christ, but generally fear man more.
I don't want to live like that anymore.
I don't want to be part of a culture, church, or family that is demoralized.

"Come out of her, My people."
"Touch not the unclean thing."

"Have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness."
II Thessalonians 2:11
and all of Isaiah chapter 66.

He has literally "chosen their delusions." Can't we SEE that? They reject the Truth, and have CHOSEN to "believe the lie."

We have work to do.
On this I heartily agree. And I will defend the Rule of Law, the Founders who did as well, and the basis for that Supreme Law.

But here is the rub: (And I challenge Samuel to ponder, pray, and act on this one...)

IFF Yahuah has "chosen their delusions," and chooses to "bring their fears upon them," and even Yahushua tells us there is a time to "wipe the dust off" our feet as a "witness against them," and move on - who are we to fight a "strong delusion" sent by YHVH Himself?

Do we have the discernment to even know the difference? How?

I agree - we have much to do. And I contend that is a valid point of HONEST, complete discussion. While we still can.
Which dietary Laws shall the bond slaves of Christ obey?

At Creation, in the garden, Adam (individual man and mankind) was given only plants to eat. Are we required to be vegans?

After the Flood, Noah was permitted to eat EVERYTHING.

"Every moving thing that is alive shall be food for you" (Genesis 9:3 NASB)

Catfish, shrimp, pigs, rabbits, squid, and lobster are all moving things that are alive. According to this Law, the clean and unclean animals (which already existed and were known) were all nonetheless on the menu.

At Sinai, God instructed Israel to eat certain clean animals, and prohibited them from eating the unclean ones.

In Acts, God instructs the apostle Peter (in a vision) to "kill and eat" a wide variety of unclean animals.

Those were all commands from God. They differ from each other.
Apparently different people are under different laws at different times.

We know that certain laws are universal. The sexual laws do not change. Theft is always wrong. Father and Mother must always be honored. Idolatry is always prohibited.

Others, like the dietary law, are not and cannot be, because God gave different ones to different people.
I can’t attest to what kind of animals were around pre-Noah’s flood - but at the time of the flood - there was a distinction between clean and un clean animals:

Genesis 7:6-8
6 Noah was 600 years old when the flood covered the earth. 7 He went on board the boat to escape the flood—he and his wife and his sons and their wives. 8 With them were all the various kinds of animals— those approved for eating and for sacrifice and those that were not—along with all the birds and the small animals that scurry along the ground.

There’s no place in scripture that says that the dietary laws have been changed. The Creator says that he’s the “same, yesterday, today, and tomorrow.” He doesn’t change. And he says that eating this stuff is detestable to him, and you’re defiling “his temple.” It even says in Isaiah 66 - all flesh that consume swine flesh will be destroyed.” Not just the Jews - but the gentile. Of course - he will save whom he saves - and give grace to whom he gives grace. But why do something that’s not pleasing to the Father? Is that what the Son did? Is it fulfilling the first and most important commandment?

Peter explains in Acts 11 the meaning of the vision. It has nothing to do with a change to the law of Moses - but instead it’s about salvation to the gentiles.
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