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Random Comments

I agree with you, and i've often had issues connecting with the "conservative" party due to what you're speaking of; however, I don't think it's as one-sided as you're imagining.
I'm not claiming it's one-sided. The whole world was watching a few years ago as BLM and some other Liberal group whose name I can't quite recall (I think it was something like Andiva or something like that) went on a rampage across America. But as the granddaughter of a Communist, I expect the Left to behave Godlessly and the Right to behave like Christians. In America, the Left is fulfilling that expectation while the Right is not. When I first took the (now seemingly silly) notion into my head that I wanted to see America, the Right were the faction of "Law and Order." These days, "Praise da Lawd 'n' pass me da ammy-nishin" seems to be the "Conservative" Credo, and every time I look around this forum I find posts by Americans that remind me of the followers of Yemyelyan Pugachev: "it's time to burn, pillage and plunder, because we're God's People and the elites are not!" Fun fact: there is NO place in the Bible where God called a group of people to revolt. I saw my country ripped apart by mindless Separatists shouting Kremlin-approved slogans in 2014. It terrifies me that I'm seeing my Husband's country, the supposed leader of the world, ripped apart by mindless Separatists shouting Kremlin-approved slogans in 2024. And in both cases, the ones destroying their society were the ones claiming to be Christian while conducting themselves in ways completely incompatible with the Word of God.

I will say it again. Suborning oneself to God is demanding. Suborning oneself to the leaders one's own countrymen chose, is easy. It is not possible to claim one has done the former when one not only refuses to do the latter but holds up this refusal as a bragging point. If you want God's blessing upon America, get yourself under the authority of your leaders first, and pray that God will enlighten them (or choose the right replacements for them at the ballot) second.
May I suggest you consult your new husband about this attitude and vitriol against the heartland of the country you are moving to?

The bitterness against the people who stand with you against evil in high places is unfounded and embarrassing. Please stop.
Nothing I posted contains a single note of bitterness at a country. In fact, the post began and ended with dripping praise of America, at least of its former glory.
I posted a declaration that I find the American Right's current "grab your rifles and revolt" attitude to be un-Christian and incompatible with sound Biblical Doctrine, and the response was "you're just a dumb European who doesn't know nothin'," which I am quite justified in refuting, especially considering that it contained multiple examples of the very mindset I was calling attention to.

Though you're right on one count. I do have some repenting to do, for challenging my Husband's wisdom. My Husband warned me that moving to America, especially a Red State, was going to be a bad idea. After reading this thread, and seeing the number of supposedly "Biblical" Americans who not only embody the mindset he warned me about but leap up in nationalistic fervor at imaginary insults when confronted with correction (do American Bibles not contain Proverbs 27:6 either?), I now see I erred by quarreling with my Husband, and should have accepted his decision of "no beloved, we're going back to Ukraine." As is so often the case, my Husband, in his experience and God-given wisdom, knew better than I did.

I'll pray for your country, that God will open your collective eyes and lead you to repentance and submission before you are able to fulfill your Godless fantasies about trying to turn the real world into a survivalist role-play.
@His_Sofochka, just stop it. I can see we could have a fascinating chat over a cup of tea about the relative merits of different countries, but the extent to which you are taking this line of discussion is simply inappropriate here. As a New Zealander, I've made my own critiques of certain aspects of the USA from time to time, but this degree of it is unproductive in this text-based setting and simply provokes argument. It's something to discuss in person or not at all.

Someone make a random comment that changes the topic please!
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From the book Mister God this is Anna...

(As I remember the point)

We each have one point of view...but Mister God has infinite viewing points!

I can see we could have a fascinating chat over a cup of tea about the relative merits of different countries,
I loved the international perspectives shared in the off topic area of a fruit growing forum I am/was on.

Also this fun video.

I'm not "discussing relative merit of countries." I'm discussing ACTUAL merit (or lack thereof) of the absolutely blasphemous mindset I've witnessed here by so-called 'Christians' who are sitting around waiting with baited breath for a bloodbath so they can live out their "Patriot Hero" fantasies (all in the Name of God, of course). I'm commenting on the fact that in America, the ones doing damage and destroying society are the ones claiming, quite falsely, to be "Christians" while waving shotguns and demanding the immediate dissolution of every government agency imaginable, as was made clearly evident by the post I first responded to, and I'm pointing out that there is nowhere in the Bible where that mindset was ever blessed by God. I've restated that, verbatim, five separate times on this thread. Let me spell it out for you. I'm not saying "America is bad." I'm saying "the mindset I've witnessed from the people here is bad. It's bad for America, and it's making America bad for the world, and I can say that because I've already watched a country ripped apart by this same mindset that I'm seeing here." If the reading comprehension level on this site is so low that you read "hey, you can't call yourself 'Christian' if you're threatening to revolt every time you don't get your way, and America needs and deserves better than that," and it hits your brain as "muh... she done gone off 'n' talked bad 'bout 'Murica!" then there's nothing that can be done except to pray that God will deliver America from such people as the "Bible-in-one-hand-and-a-12-guage-in-the-other" types that I've witnessed in this thread.

May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob grant America enough mercy that He will save it from all you who think you're doing His work by tearing down institution around you.
I'm not "discussing relative merit of countries." I'm discussing ACTUAL merit (or lack thereof) of the absolutely blasphemous mindset I've witnessed here by so-called 'Christians' who are sitting around waiting with baited breath for a bloodbath so they can live out their "Patriot Hero" fantasies (all in the Name of God, of course).
I have sincere questions for not just you, but all Christians. Yeshua/Jesus said that the unpardonable sin was blasphemy of the Holy spirit. Who KNOWS what that is? How is it defined?
Since Yeshua was accused of blaspheme too how is THAT defined? Abraham took his son to sacrifice him. If Abraham lived today would those in his church think he was deceived and listening to evil spirits if he mentioned what YHWH had told him to do?

There are many parts if the "body" today. Men in biblical history were called to different purposes too.
I'm commenting on the fact that in America, the ones doing damage and destroying society are the ones claiming, quite falsely, to be "Christians" while waving shotguns and demanding the immediate dissolution of every government agency imaginable, as was made clearly evident by the post I first responded to, and I'm pointing out that there is nowhere in the Bible where that mindset was ever blessed by God.
I don't know of anyone calling for that. But the belief if many is that Yeshua is going to establish His Kingdom on earth....not that He has already established it and what we now see represents His Righteous Holy Kingdom. I think most like @Mark C are just encouraging people to do like Abraham and set their sights on (look forward to) that Kingdom that is coming.
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob grant America enough mercy that He will save it from all you who think you're doing His work by tearing down institution around you.
Are you building up the body, or deciding you are the judge of which parts should be amputated?
Who are you to judge another man's servant?
Or even men as you are a woman?

Walk humbly with your husband and with God.
Dominance is when you don't spend half your life reminding people how "Dominant" you are on social media, because others already recognize your stabilizing presence and leadership.
Christ spoke calmly and plainly.
Goliath boasted of his own "dominance."
Which one does this tweet sound like?

I cringe every time I see some guy telling a group what a dominant alpha they are. Lol. OK scooter. Next tell me how much of a strict dom daddy you are or whatever those silly-assed labels they use.
It just seems so performative and desperate.
This makes we wonder about your reading comprehension.

Boasting: I'm so great etc....

Description of attribute: People with atrribute A do "list of activities"
The sheer volume of "every government agency that draws its pay from my tax dollars and dares to actually enforce law, must be evil" sentiment I've seen from Americans is baffling, moreso when I reflect that it comes from the Church. Do Americans read from Bibles that redact Romans 13:4-7? When did Anarchists start masquerading as Christians?
Because Christians who practice their faith become anarchists. Christendom, while Middle Ages of 1000 years were anarchist in nature due to lack of monopoly of violence (which state is).

Many people are unable to recognize difference between government and governance (which naturally exist in every institution with at least with 2 people).

Most important reason is love. Verb for Christians. And as any moral good, it's valid only when done out of free will. Taking care of newly born baby under threat of government's fines or prisons it not a love. It's coercion. And it's coercion even if done indirectly. It's only love when done freely.

When such altuttitude is spread over whole society in created society which values personal choice and where virtue is done out goodness of heart, not by some agency "keeping 'evil' people" under control.

And because Lord is doing same to us. He doesn't force us to become His, nor uses force to keep us His. And because He didn't created organic robots capable of mindless obedience.
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It is apparent that you have swallowed the politically correct interpretation of Romans 13 hook, line, and sinker.
For starters, no Christian who believes in submission to YHWH God is ever, nor can ever be an anarchist. Satanists on the other hand are absolutely, serving only their own will.
Please, if you are sincere in your search for truth and understanding read Lysander Spooner on natural law.
Unbeliveable. You say Christians can't anarchist, then qoute anarchist who, contrary to what usually happens, has become more radical with age. Go figure 🤔

And also guy who openly breaked law by private letter transport (then US post office monopoly).

Anarchism has two meaning. First is political: no government. As such it covers whole political spectrum. Second is ethical: all moral relationship must be voluntary.

As such it only covers humans-human relationship. Nothing with human-Lord relationship. By it's very nature it's incomplete moral system. It deals with one aspect of evil (coercion)* and doesn't cover what is good, only with one aspect for goodness to exist (voluntarism).

By invoking satanists, you don't understand that anarchists can also not be hedonists and not seek to be free of all societal bonds. You know, people can voluntary accept hierarchical relationships (any employee-emploeyer) and treasure societal bonds like family (any Christian anarchist)

*Verbal abuse is good example of evil not covered by anarchism. It's not force, but still damaging.
This makes we wonder about your reading comprehension.

Boasting: I'm so great etc....

Description of attribute: People with atrribute A do "list of activities"
Ironically your remarks make me question your reading comprehension as well. Not the first time I have questioned them in fact.
You have clearly read plenty of what I have to say but not fully grasped that I simply disagree with you on a number of topics and see things from a very different point of view. It is not remotely that I am failing to understand what people are saying, just that I simply am not agreeing frequently and generally have firm reasons for that disagreement on a position. Reasons I have no difficulty communicating in a literal or verbal fashion...you know, things that corolate with one's reading comp generally.

If it helps though, I will give you a real life fact check. The ACT (essentially the scores universities look at as part of the entrance application) has a module in the test that is entirely reading comprehension. I got a perfect score during my teenage years. Not my only perfect score on the test but it is the relevant one.
To dovetail into that, reading has just always been my constant companion and I have been reading adult novels since I was about 7. I will go further, in fact a small town library was my ersatz daycare as a child for a few years. I would spend 6-7 hours a day there and a goodly portion of each day actively reading. Perhaps you see it differently but it has been my experience that people who are not good at reading...and this does tend to encompass understanding the ideas they are reading...don't tend to do so very much, much less as a recreational pursuit.

So, as is frequently the case when we engage in conversation, we have a swing and a miss with respect to your conclusions.
But as the granddaughter of a Communist, I expect the Left to behave Godlessly and the Right to behave like Christians.
Because Right doesn't contain only Christians. Nor, being Christians means somebody is on Right

In America, the Left is fulfilling that expectation while the Right is not. When I first took the (now seemingly silly) notion into my head that I wanted to see America, the Right were the faction of "Law and Order." These days, "Praise da Lawd 'n' pass me da ammy-nishin" seems to be the "Conservative" Credo, and every time I look around this forum I find posts by Americans that remind me of the followers of Yemyelyan Pugachev: "it's time to burn, pillage and plunder, because we're God's People and the elites are not!" Fun fact: there is NO place in the Bible where God called a group of people to revolt. I saw my country ripped apart by mindless Separatists shouting Kremlin-approved slogans in 2014. It terrifies me that I'm seeing my Husband's country, the supposed leader of the world, ripped apart by mindless Separatists shouting Kremlin-approved slogans in 2024. And in both cases, the ones destroying their society were the ones claiming to be Christian while conducting themselves in ways completely incompatible with the Word of God.

I will say it again. Suborning oneself to God is demanding. Suborning oneself to the leaders one's own countrymen chose, is easy. It is not possible to claim one has done the former when one not only refuses to do the latter but holds up this refusal as a bragging point. If you want God's blessing upon America, get yourself under the authority of your leaders first, and pray that God will enlighten them (or choose the right replacements for them at the ballot) second.

I'm commenting on the fact that in America, the ones doing damage and destroying society are the ones claiming, quite falsely, to be "Christians" while waving shotguns and demanding the immediate dissolution of every government agency imaginable, as was made clearly evident by the post I first responded to, and I'm pointing out that there is nowhere in the Bible where that mindset was ever blessed by God.
Nowhere is also approved that some group has right to proclaim Constitution and start taxing and inventing laws.

And you also aren't aware of damage done by our "protectors and helpers". Modern family is in disarray because state has taken functions from family. If doesn't doesn't have family it's useless and removed.

Which functions: pensions take care of old people, single mon help replace husband, mandatory schooling teaching children etc...
Ironically your remarks make me question your reading comprehension as well. Not the first time I have questioned them in fact.
You have clearly read plenty of what I have to say but not fully grasped that I simply disagree with you on a number of topics and see things from a very different point of view. It is not remotely that I am failing to understand what people are saying, just that I simply am not agreeing frequently and generally have firm reasons for that disagreement on a position. Reasons I have no difficulty communicating in a literal or verbal fashion...you know, things that corolate with one's reading comp generally.

If it helps though, I will give you a real life fact check. The ACT (essentially the scores universities look at as part of the entrance application) has a module in the test that is entirely reading comprehension. I got a perfect score during my teenage years. Not my only perfect score on the test but it is the relevant one.
To dovetail into that, reading has just always been my constant companion and I have been reading adult novels since I was about 7. I will go further, in fact a small town library was my ersatz daycare as a child for a few years. I would spend 6-7 hours a day there and a goodly portion of each day actively reading. Perhaps you see it differently but it has been my experience that people who are not good at reading...and this does tend to encompass understanding the ideas they are reading...don't tend to do so very much, much less as a recreational pursuit.

So, as is frequently the case when we engage in conversation, we have a swing and a miss with respect to your conclusions.
I too noticed disagreemnt.

Didn't you notice your claim of how good you are? My test eesult in school for reading comprehension were fantastic.

I also did notice of @His_Sofochka and your making fun of author. It'a all right to make fun of some dom claiming to be dom, while lacking this quality.

It's also true he is behaving as teacher. You may not like his lifestyle and that is OK. But it's also true that men have natural tendency towards dominance. It's also true that modern society from childhood tries it's best to best this out of young boy.

It's blessing for both, males and females, when men are more dominant. He is doing socially valuable work undoing damage by feminists. This is why he doesn't deserve mockery.

Go mock underdeserving people. Like fatties claiming obesity is good for health.
It appears eschatology (studies of end times) is factor in determining our attitudes and how we act. I would venture to say that dispensationalism has resulted in certain unrecognizable attitudes from Christians.This is partially why our views divirge on governments.

Mohamadian Ayatollahs have certain approach, it is my understanding that chaos will result in their prophet to come. For this reason chaos is welcomed by them and instigated deliberately . They have to be in dilemma between current stability and desire for the prophet/Khalifa to arrive.

If Christian believers truly convinced that end times are near they could take urgency of time to reach more people to eternal gospel while some Christians who would provide 5 red cows to assist in bringing end times and some Christians providing funds to build third temple for Antichrist to seat in. This causes some Christians, so it appears, to get excited that there is chaos and problems in world and not seeking solution for those problems.

Perhaps this is better approach to life instead, live as postmillinialist to effect good changes all around you, materially prepare as if post-tribulation rapture period starts next month, while hoping that pre-tribulation rapture premillennialists had better insights than you.
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I too noticed disagreemnt.

Didn't you notice your claim of how good you are? My test eesult in school for reading comprehension were fantastic.
I don't see it the same terms at all, unsurprisingly. I simply gave you a few fact statements as well as tried in good faith to give you some small insight to the person behind the text. We are each real people with a number of traits, factors and experiences that make up our individual thought process and who we are. As I am here on the site for a number of reasons, one of which is to hopefully attract another wife, I do try consciously to honesty signal. Not adverse to fitness signaling but I still have about 35 pounds to go before I change my profile photo to shirtless and holding up a bank balance/various test scores/positive reviews from my wife....that is all well meaning snark. Hopefully that is obvious.
End the end, I included it to make the point that the assumption was just factually incorrect and that you can't maintain my level of being a nerd/geek without being good at reading
I also did notice of @His_Sofochka and your making fun of author. It'a all right to make fun of some dom claiming to be dom, while lacking this quality.

Show me where I have made fun of anyone beyond my own ongoing self depreciating humor. We certainly are not on the same page there.
in re the making fun of doms...yeah, lost me again. I don't see not being interested in and at least a bit adverse to some sort of performative cosplay as lacking a quality.
If I am guilty of fitness signaling then I suppose that would qualify.

It's also true he is behaving as teacher. You may not like his lifestyle and that is OK. But it's also true that men have natural tendency towards dominance. It's also true that modern society from childhood tries it's best to best this out of young boy.
I imagine that was beat this out of young boys. Correct me if I have it wrong or if autocorrect/typographical errors changed the meaning. Thst happens to me frequently and i eill miss them.
It's blessing for both, males and females, when men are more dominant.
No argument with that statement in a vacuum
He is doing socially valuable work undoing damage by feminists. This is why he doesn't deserve mockery.
There has got to be more of this thread that I have not read where you are assuming that that have. I have no idea what you are on about.
I tend to respond to posts as opposed to threads unless addressing the initial post itself by the original poster.
If someone has been being talking about being a dom in the bdsm context before this then I have not seen it so far.

They are very welcome to take issue with me on their own however. If they do, then I will go back and read the original context that seems to have you bent. Otherwise, it is not a topic I was referring to or that particularly interests me.

(Grrrr... had to exit up top as piecing things together on a small screen while cooking and partially dictating ends yp with garbled results...ugh.)
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I would venture to say that dispensationalism has resulted in certain unrecognizable attitudes from Christians.
While I would venture to say that disobedience to the Word of God has resulted in lots of recognizably disobedient people.

Jesus spoke of His people being like sheep following a Shepherd. His sheep hear His voice, He knows them, and they follow Him, i.e. they believe and obey His voice (John 10:26). Those who don't believe, don't believe because they are not of His sheep (John 10:26). Whether a person is a dispensationalist or not amounts to nothing. Are they one of His sheep? Does He know them? Do they follow Him?

Jesus said there are going to be a lot of surprised people on that day when He declares to them, "I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!" (Matt. 7:23). Notice He didn't reference dispensationalism as their failing. Cheers
I'm not "discussing relative merit of countries." I'm discussing ACTUAL merit (or lack thereof) of the absolutely blasphemous mindset I've witnessed here by so-called 'Christians' who are sitting around waiting with baited breath for a bloodbath so they can live out their "Patriot Hero" fantasies (all in the Name of God, of course).

I must be way behind on my reading. I have been here for a good few years and never seen anything like that.
I'm commenting on the fact that in America, the ones doing damage and destroying society are the ones claiming, quite falsely, to be "Christians" while waving shotguns and demanding the immediate dissolution of every government agency imaginable, as was made clearly evident by the post I first responded to.

that is simply false and you have been clearly gaslit by a false narrative. That statement resembles the facts in no way.

Perhaps I am bias as one of the meanie right wing types but the fact is that it is overwhelmingly the left and the new religion of woke leftist ideas which is promoting violence and engaging in violence.

, and I'm pointing out that there is nowhere in the Bible where that mindset was ever blessed by God. I've restated that, verbatim, five separate times on this thread. Let me spell it out for you. I'm not saying "America is bad." I'm saying "the mindset I've witnessed from the people here is bad. It's bad for America, and it's making America bad for the world, and I can say that because I've already watched a country ripped apart by this same mindset that I'm seeing here." If the reading comprehension level on this site is so low that you read "hey, you can't call yourself 'Christian' if you're threatening to revolt every time you don't get your way, and America needs and deserves better than that," and it hits your brain as "muh... she done gone off 'n' talked bad 'bout 'Murica!" then there's nothing that can be done except to pray that God will deliver America from such people as the "Bible-in-one-hand-and-a-12-guage-in-the-other" types that I've witnessed in this thread.

I am seeing a deeply warped by false propaganda thought process here. Down to the shot at the people who have this fictional mindest...and it is fiction...being all inarticulate rednecks. That all says extreme gaslight to me.
What you have seemingly been inculcated with is very much acting as a filter on your perceptions.
May the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob grant America enough mercy that He will save it from all you who think you're doing His work by tearing down institution around you.
Wow...just another example of the gaslight.

The institutions you seem to be concerned with not only are in no way holy but by the vast majority are captured by people who do not have the people's interests at heart.
I can not imagine the mindset wherein the idea of removing regulations that harm citizens or state employees on up to whole swaths of bureaucracy full of bad actors can be anything but a massive benefit.

We see their vast malicious overreach as something that must be fought against. Largely by the spreading of information. I certainly have not seen any of the hyperbole about the waving of firearms and if I am honest, as a previous firearms instructor/competitor and current strong 2nd Amendment purest with a deep political addiction, I would swear I might have noticed some of it at least if it were on the site.

If I may go a bit further on the politics side of things where I think you may not be well informed on...

A lot of Americans are seeing an enormous amount of false narratives being promoted and via back channels which are being constantly exposed on a near daily basis as well as censorship of real information counter to government and industry interests.
Doesn't really matter if it is the climate grift, the vaccine grift, the anti agricultural grift, the anti energy production grift, the electric vehicle grift, the false nutrition guidelines, the equity grift, the immigration grift, the antinatalist push ... it always comes back to the government working hand in glove with in massive industries to take power, resources and freedom away from people. How is the push back against these malicious actors in any way bad? I struggle to imagine how it can be anything but laudable.

It is a creepy new combination of several collectivist ideologies. Communism, fascism and corporatism are the easy ones to point at that are what people are being harmed by and which are opening eyes and causing pushback.
I get you have a different background and that you are clearly being fed poisonous ideas which colour the lense through which you see us but it is in the end still not accurate.

I hope you manage to see us in a bit more accurate light.
It is our government that purely sucks.. not us. And saying so in America is absolutely 100% patriotic and in no way an indication that we are bad for having noticed.
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A lot of Americans are seen an enormous amount of false narratives being promoted and via back channels which are being constantly exposed on a near daily basis as well as censorship of real information counter to government and industry interests.
Doesn't really matter if it is the climate grift, the vaccine grift, the anti agricultural grift, the anti energy production grift, the electric vehicle grift, the false nutrition guidelines, the equity grift, the immigration grift, the antinatalist push ... it always comes back to the government working hand in glove with in massive industries to take power, resources and freedom away from people. How is the push back against these malicious actors in any way bad? I struggle ti imagine how it can be anything but laudable.
What he just said here @His_Sofochka (without knowing it maybe) is that the American government no longer matches the description of the one Romans 13 is telling Christians to be subject to, rather, it is just a massive enabler of wicked and hurtful things by the people in positions of influence. Certainly, if you know your bible, you know that God said not to "follow a mob to do evil" and if the actions of ANY individual or agency are harming others we should not support them. The new testament tells us if we even bless "bid God speed" such people we incur guilt in the eyes of God.

An example of how broken this system is can be found a few years ago when an investment advising company sold bonds known by them to be worthless to the clients they were suposed to be helping. The country's infrastructure had been devestated depreciating the bonds. They passed on most of a MASSIVE loss to the ignorant who trusted them. Someone in America may be prosecuted for shoplifting a $50.00 item but this company was not held accountable because the legal system is so broken and lawyers so over paid.....and it would take such a massive team......and documenting or proving who was guilty would be too expensive.....read the lawyers wouldn't make enough to satisfy their money lust and over inflated egos.
What he just said here @His_Sofochka (without knowing it maybe)
wait what don'tI know?!?
is that the American government no longer matches the description of the one Romans 13 is telling Christians to be subject to,

Lol! Accurate.
I am not the guy to do much quoting of scripture in furtherance of ideas or debates. Though I do like to bang on about Timothy telling us to get married and eat meat (based).

rather, it is just a massive enabler of wicked and hurtful things by the people in positions of influence. Certainly, if you know your bible, you know that God said not to "follow a mob to do evil" and if the actions of ANY individual or agency are harming others we should not support them. The new testament tells us if we even bless "bid God speed" such people we incur guilt in the eyes of God.

An example of how broken this system is can be found a few years ago when an investment advising company sold bonds known by them to be worthless to the clients they were suposed to be helping. The country's infrastructure had been devestated depreciating the bonds. They passed on most of a MASSIVE loss to the ignorant who trusted them. Someone in America may be prosecuted for shoplifting a $50.00 item but this company was not held accountable because the legal system is so broken and lawyers so over paid.....and it would take such a massive team......and documenting or proving who was guilty would be too expensive.....read the lawyers wouldn't make enough to satisfy their money lust and over inflated egos.
Also based